Videos and Movies
Click the play button to see 8mm movies of Lamar students 1954 to 1956.  You might be a silver screen star!

Click the play button to see our classmates at the 50th Reunion talking about what Lamar meant to them and the experiences they are having at this reunion (Edited Reunion DVD).

Click the play button to see the Edited Reunion DVD of Friday morning 2006 50th Reunion Lamar High School welcome to the arriving classmates to the hospitality room at the Galvez Hotel in Galveston
Click the play button to see the Edited Reunion DVD of Friday afternoon 2006 50th Reunion Lamar High School hospitality room.

Click the play button to see the Edited Reunion DVD of Lamar memorabilia displayed at the 2006 50th Reunion Lamar High School hospitality room.

Click the play button to see the 2006 50th Lamar Reunion Friday night party (Edited Reunion DVD).

Click the play button to see the 50th Reunion 2006 Saturday afternoon event when the classmates lined up according to their elementary school and their junior high school.

Click the play button to see the Edited Reunion DVD of the Saturday afternoon party at the 2006 50th Reunion Lamar High School.

Click the play button to see the 2006 50th Lamar Reunion Saturday night dining and dancing party (Edited Reunion DVD).  See how the renowned Johnny Dee and the Rocket 88 band gets this group moving!